Opinion Pieces in Digital Media
‘Open government data policies must serve democracy and not just industry’, Bloomberg-Quint, February 26, 2022;
‘India needs judicial reforms but granting more powers to the chief justice won’t solve anything’, Scroll, February 24, 2022 (co-authored with Chitrakshi Jain);
‘When violations aren’t penalized: The legality of the Patanjali advertising tsunami’, Newslaundry, February 12, 2022 (co-authored with Dinesh Thakur);
‘Instead of relying on jugaad, journalists need access to court pleadings’, Newslaundry, December 23, 2021 (co-authored with Chitrakshi Jain);
‘Data Protection Bill: Three Controversial Recommendations of the Joint Committee’, Bloomberg-Quint, December 20, 2021;
‘Why the Indian government needs to make information about its own legal cases more transparent’, Scroll, October 25, 2021 (co-authored with Chitrakshi Jain);
‘Even if WTO waives IP on vaccines, India will face challenges translating this into mass production’, Scroll, June 1, 2021 (co-authored with Yogesh Pai);
‘In India, Covid-19 Vaccines Face A More Urgent Problem than IPR’, Bloomberg-Quint, April 20, 2021;
‘Why Bollywood’s new-found love for the abolished Film Certification Appellate Tribunal is surprising’, Scroll, April 15, 2021;
‘SC is steering an ambitious e-courts plan – but does it have the constitutional right to do so?’, Scroll, April 9, 2021;
‘With new OCI notification, India has ended its experiment with dual citizenship’, Scroll, March 6, 2021;
‘New IT Rules: The Great Stretching of ‘Due Diligence’ Requirements under Section 79’, The Wire, February 27, 2021;
‘Sci-Hub case: What India should do to ensure that academic journals are available at fair prices’, Bloomberg-Quint, February 11, 2021 (co-authored with Vishal Rakhecha);
‘Solution to Sci-Hub Litigation Lies in Better Funding for Indian Science’, Bloomberg-Quint, January 25, 2021 (co-authored with Vishal Rakhecha);
‘The controversies over ‘Surgeries’ and Indian Medicine’, Bloomberg-Quint, January 7, 2021;
‘IPAB’s Statutory Licensing Order is Off-Key’, Bloomberg-Quint, January 7, 2021;
‘The comeback of the Indian Legal Service to Tribunals’, Bloomberg-Quint, December 11, 2020;
‘The Jan Soochana Portal: A test case for balancing privacy and transparency’, Scroll, August 13, 2020;
‘Cheque Bouncing: Join the League of Civilised Nations’, Bloomberg-Quint, June 15, 2020;
‘Which public authority should be in charge of India’s policy on diagnostic kits for COVID-19?’, Scroll, April 3, 2020;
‘Fine print: Indian law does not allow Census machinery to be used to build NRC’, Scroll, February 22, 2020;
‘Personal Data Protection Bill: The Consent Black Hole’, Bloomberg-Quint, February 22, 2020;
‘Personal Data Protection Bill: Will It Lock Out Competition to Big Tech?’, Bloomberg-Quint, February 20, 2020;
‘Personal Data Protection Bill: What Happens When Government Acquires Data’, Bloomberg-Quint, February 17, 2020;
‘Why the Supreme Court’s judgment on combination drugs sends wrong signals’, Scroll, December 29, 2017;
‘The Indian Judiciary has declared war on the RTI Act – and that’s hampering judicial reform’, Scroll, November 30, 2019 (co-authored with Chitrakshi Jain);
‘Ayodhya Verdict: How claims of ‘mental worship’ at Babri Masjid helped win it for Hindus’, Newslaundry, November 13, 2019;
‘Executive might and our fragile liberty’, Newslaundry, August 16, 2019
‘Rethink the foundations of the RTI Act’, Bloomberg-Quint, August 8, 2019;
‘Supreme Court needs better management, not more judges’, Bloomberg-Quint, June 27, 2019;
‘Wynk’ing at the Copyright Act’, Bloomberg-Quint, May 15, 2019;
‘The silence of the Rajya Sabha’, LiveLaw, May 14, 2019;
‘Did a recent Delhi High Court judgment take India over the TRIPS Redline?’, Bloomberg-Quint, May 1, 2019;
‘A vintage SC order on political advertising may open a pandora’s box for Silicon Valley’, The Wire, January 28, 2019;
‘Delhi HC judgment on oxytocin calls out government on its arbitrary order’, Scroll, December 28, 2018;
‘Liability, not encryption is what India’s new intermediary regulations are trying to fix’, The Wire, December 28, 2018;
‘One data protection legislation and one regulator for 1.3 billion people?’, The Wire, July 31, 2018;
‘Amid growing online hate, India must reconsider immunities to Facebook, Twitter’, The Wire, May 30, 2018;
‘Should there be a ‘developing country’ template for data protection legislation’, The Wire, May 17, 2018;
‘Should states have the power to enact their own data protection laws?’, The Wire, December 22, 2017;
‘Does India need only one data protection law and regulator to rule them all?’, The Wire, December 7, 2017;
‘The comical farce around the Rasogolla GI’, The Wire, November 20, 2017;
‘A small but significant victory for tort law and civil liberties’, Livelaw, October 6, 2017;
‘Supreme Court Petitioners must be made to expunge their bigotry against the Rohingya’, The Wire, September 15, 2017;
‘Data protection: Can India overcome the spy-security state and big tech to enact a strong law?’, Scroll, August 22, 2017;
‘The breakdown of precedent at the Delhi High Court on the issue of punitive damages in IP cases’, Livelaw, August 14, 2017
‘Has the government signed the death warrant for the judicial independence of 19 tribunals?’, Scroll, June 5, 2017;
‘India made a long overdue move to ensure better drug safety’, Scroll, April 12, 2017;
‘Aadhaar: Amid the debate about privacy, the more pressing issue of exclusion has been forgotten’, Scroll, March 29, 2017;
‘Finance Bill 2017 debate: Changes made to tribunals are unconstitutional and ill considered’, Scroll, March 27, 2017;
‘India’s banking crisis is made worse by the poor performance of its debt recovery tribunals’, Scroll, March 5, 2017;
‘Post-demonetisation, police have made big cash seizures – without the power to do so under law’, Scroll, November 28, 2016;
‘‘The new Aadhaar Regulations grant the UIDAI unchecked power, and offer little convenience to users’, Vantage-Caravan, November 20, 2016;
‘Is Modi’s government’s restriction on bank withdrawals supported by the law?’, Scroll, November 14, 2016;
‘Why do government files go missing so often, and what can be done about it?’, Scroll, November 10, 2016;
‘Is 74% foreign direct investment in brownfield pharma really bad for Indian generics’, Scroll, July 4, 2016;
‘How the Election Commission oversteps its bounds during election season’, Vantage-Caravan, May 18, 2016;
‘No longer a black box: Why does the revised Aadhaar Bill allow sharing of identity information?’, Scroll, April 8, 2016;
‘The Aadhaar Bill is yet another legislation that leaves too much power with the Government at the Centre’, Vantage-Caravan, March 15, 2016;
‘How the government used a flawed ordinance to expedite cases dealing with Rs. 1 crore or more while other cases remain pending’, Vantage-Caravan, November 6, 2015;